“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.“
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Painting as a whole, not in parts
see masses, contours/forms, shadows
the colds embracing the central warms, push them forward
always the contrasts in borders of parts
the verticals and horizontals can give depth
do not dirty the colours on your palette, take them with a knife
do not dirty the colours on painting too ( wait to correct the mistakes), clean 2-3 times with essense
use pure coulours – pure bleu prusse, emeraude underline and push forward
shadows – always blue colours
analyse the colour gamma of successful paintings/painters ( Briata, Goddard, Nicola de Stal, Medvedev)
make the subject 3D, and the rest of the painting flat ( also, subject warm and around cold)
Scott Burdick
compare everything to shadow on 10 value scale – find right place for every shadow and light
if working from foto- first vector guides and light movement
best and final stroke to describe the form and move on ( stroke of a genius vs stroke of disaster)
correlate values: shadows, lights and highlights until it becomes unconscious
when in doubt, make the colour stronger
check: weight, delicacy, variety, form, moement, gesture for a good painting
Background – lighter shade of shadow
everything you do should lead the viewer’s eye
- establish darkest darks and lightest lights
define every particular shadow: closer to darkest dark or light – use just values
edges soft and hard to a different degree
- Imprimatura olive hue transparent coat equal to the middle tone of largest lightest object in painting. Red Ochre+Yel Ochre Light+ Ivory Black
De Heem
- Background ( flowers ) – loosen, forground flowers – precisely and well lit
- Underpainting – rough grey in dead colour
- Blue grapes and plums should consist of a reddish-brown underpainting covered by a dull bluish haze