tulip painting

Melrose Tulip
Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears. (Edgar Allen Poe)
2015 – 40 x 30 cm – oil on canvas
€ 300,- (free shipping)
[wpecpp name=”Melrose Tulip” price=”300″]

Marylin Tulip
2015 – 30 x 24 cm – oil on canvas
€ 400,- (free shipping)
[wpecpp name=”Marylin Tulip” price=”400″]

2015 – 120 x 80 cm – oil on linnen
[wpecpp name=”Dawn” price=”sold”]

Flaming Parrot
This parrot tulip comes from Keukenhof gardens in the Netherlands. I loved it’s colorfull “dress”.
2015 – 116 x 88 cm – oil on linnen

Lit Tulip
2015 – 80 x 80 cm.
€ 2500,- (free shipping)
[wpecpp name=”Lit Tulip” price=”2500″]

Wakefield virus tulips
2014 – 110 x 90 cm – oil on linnen
[wpecpp name=”Wakefield Virus Tulips” price=”sold”]